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- Administration & Finance
- Arts & Culture
- COVID-19
- City Infrastructure & Service Requests
- Community & Economic Development
- Education
- Environment & Sustainable Development
- Housing and Real Estate
- Parks & Recreation
- Public Safety
- Sanitation
- Transportation
- Aging
- Animal Services
- Board of Public Works
- Building and Safety
- Bureau of Contract Administration
- Bureau of Engineering
- Bureau of Sanitation
- Bureau of Street Lighting
- Bureau of Street Services
- City Administrative Officer
- City Attorney
- City Clerk
- Controller's Office
- Council District 01
- Council District 02
- Council District 03
- Council District 04
- Council District 05
- Council District 06
- Council District 07
- Council District 08
- Council District 09
- Council District 10
- Council District 11
- Council District 12
- Council District 13
- Council District 14
- Council District 15
- Cultural Affairs
- Disability, Department on
- Economic and Workforce Development
- El Pueblo
- Emergency Management
- Employee Relations Board
- Ethics Commission
- Finance
- Fire and Police Pensions
- General Services
- Harbor
- Housing Authority
- Housing and Community Investment
- Information Technology
- Library
- Mayor's Office
- Neighborhood Empowerment
- Office of Finance
- Other
- Personnel
- Planning
- Project Restore
- Public Accountability, The Office of
- Recreation and Parks
- Transportation
- Zoo
- employment
- "restaurants" "council district 3" "the valley economic alliance" "a cool nerd" "a cool dataset"
- 184675
- 185198
- 2015
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 272
- 30 year
- 311 app
- a permit
- abandoned waste
- access
- accessibility
- acooldataset
- active businesses in city of los angeles council district 1
- ada
- additional tenant
- adopted
- affordable housing managed pipeline
- affordable housing trust fund (ahtf)
- african american heritage month
- age
- aging
- airport concessions tenant lax
- airports
- all city
- animal services
- animal shelter
- animals
- annual
- annual bill
- apn
- applications
- archive
- area
- arleta
- art
- assessments
- assessor
- assessor parcel number
- assistance
- at-fault evictions
- at-risk
- attendance
- attraction
- audit
- audits
- automated counts
- b permit
- balance
- benchmark
- bicycle
- billing and collection
- black-owned businesses
- boe
- bonds
- boundary
- bureau of engineering
- bureau of street lighting
- bus
- cad
- cafr pages 330-331
- calls for service
- camp
- candidates
- canoga park
- capital improvement
- carbon emission
- cash
- cat
- catalog
- catch basins
- cause evictions
- cd
- cd 2
- cdbg
- census
- change of terms of tenancy
- chapter 15 of los angeles municipal code
- chatsworth
- city activities
- city attorney
- city clerk
- city employee location
- city of los angeles biotech cluster dataset
- city pound
- citywide calendar
- claim for refund
- co2
- coal
- coastal power plants
- code
- codes
- collections
- commissions
- commodity
- complaints
- completion
- computer literacy
- concrete
- condominium conversion
- conferences
- consolidated plan
- construction alerts
- construction closures
- contact information
- container
- contributions
- council
- council district 2
- counters
- covenant
- coverage
- cpra
- cra
- cruise
- cultural
- curb
- customer bills
- daca
- davis bacon
- dbs
- debt
- demolitions
- density bonus
- deployment
- development services
- digital inclusion
- disabled tenant
- district
- dog
- dye test
- e-waste
- eastern sierra
- ebewe
- educational counseling
- elections
- eligible tenant
- ellis act eviction
- emergency response
- emissions
- employer contribution
- encino
- energy star rating
- energy star score
- energy usage
- environmental review
- equal opportunity
- escrow account
- esg
- esl
- essential services
- eui
- event location
- event name
- event subject
- ework
- excavation permit
- exemptions
- expenses
- fair housing
- family counseling
- federal
- feed-in tariff
- fees
- festivals
- financial planning assistance
- fit
- foeclosue
- food
- forecast
- foreclosure evictions
- foreclosured
- franchise tax board (ftb)
- funded status
- fy 2019
- garland
- general manager hearing
- general services
- ghg
- goods
- google analytics
- government order eviction
- granada hills
- greenhouse gases
- handyworker
- hazardous
- headquarter
- health subsidy
- healthy homes
- high school equivalency preparation
- highway dedication
- historic buildings
- historic teu
- historical
- home
- homeless
- homeownership
- hopwa
- house la
- households
- housing and community investment
- housing element
- housing loans
- idle
- idle funds
- illegal dumping
- illegal rent increases
- illegal units
- imported water
- in-basin
- income certification
- income tax assistance
- info
- information
- information referrals
- information technology agency
- interconnection
- internal audit
- international
- invoice
- invoices
- just and reasonable rent increase
- just cause evictions
- labor
- lahd ahtf projects
- lake balboa
- landing
- landings
- landlord rights
- lapl
- lawa
- lax defibrillators airport emergency
- lead hazard
- leadership
- led
- ledger
- legal debt margin
- legal reasons for eviction
- lgbtq
- library branches
- liens
- local
- location
- los angeles fire department
- loss of laundry facilities
- loss of parking
- maintenance
- major remodel
- manual counts
- meals
- measure ula
- mentoring
- metropolitan water district
- microloan
- minority
- mission hills
- mmrt
- mobile homes
- mom and pop property
- monthly
- mortgages
- mous
- mpc
- multipurpose center
- mwd
- nc
- neighborhood councils
- net energy metering
- new generation fund
- no fault evictions
- nofa
- north hills
- north hollywood
- northridge
- notice to quit based on false and deceptive grounds
- notice to vacate
- nsp
- obligations
- occupancy monitoring
- officeholders
- once through cooling
- online rental payments
- otc
- outages
- owner occupied eviction
- pacoima
- pad
- pads
- paint
- panorama city
- parcel
- parenting classes
- parking policy
- parking realtime status lax lawa airport
- pay
- pay codes
- pay-off
- pcrf
- pedestrians
- per capita
- performance metrics
- permanent supportive housing
- permits
- personal services
- pin
- planning case referral form
- port of los angeles
- porter ranch
- positions
- power
- power content label
- power polls
- power supply
- ppp
- pre-employment counseling
- preservation
- primary renovation
- projects
- properties
- property
- property management training program (pmtp)
- property transfer tax
- proposals
- public counter
- public way
- public works
- purchase
- purchase assistance
- qualified tenant
- quarterly
- rabbit
- rac
- ramp
- rampla
- ramps
- real estate
- real estate transfer tax
- real property
- reap
- reconveyance
- recyclable
- reduction of housing services
- refund
- refuse
- registrar
- rehabilitation
- release of escrow
- reliability
- relocation assistance fees
- relocation assistance payment
- renewable projects
- rent adjustment commission
- rent payment
- rent reduction
- rent registration certificates
- rent stabilization ordinance
- rental unit registration
- rentals
- renter's rights
- request for bid
- request for interest
- request for proposal
- request for qualification
- request for quote
- reseda
- reserve
- reserve fund
- resident manager
- residential hotel
- residual receipts
- resources
- response
- response metrics
- response time
- revenue forecast
- revocable permit
- rfb
- rfi
- road closures
- routes
- s.a.f.e. centers
- safe
- sb272
- scep
- security deposit interest
- senior citizen
- service pension
- service request
- sewer facility charge
- sewer permit
- sewers
- sherman oaks
- shipping
- short ton
- single audit
- sip
- site rental
- small business
- small businesses
- smallo lots
- sms
- snow
- solar panels
- solid resource
- solvents
- special
- special funds
- special purpose fund
- spending
- sr
- storm drain permit
- storm drains
- street cleaning
- street sweeping
- studio city
- subordinations
- sun valley
- sustainable
- sweeping
- sylmar
- systems
- tarzana
- tax
- tax credits
- technology
- temporary special event
- temporary special event permit
- tenant habitability plan
- tenant manager
- tenant relocation inspection program (trip)
- tenant rights
- tenant/landlord law
- the valley alliance
- ticket
- time limit
- toluca lake
- toluca terrace
- toluca woods
- tours
- tow
- tow away
- trade
- traffic signal
- training
- transfer
- transfer of utilities
- transparency
- travel
- tse
- tse permit
- tutoring
- type of event
- u permit
- ula
- ump
- unit count determinations
- unit not registered
- united to house la
- unlawful detainer (ud)
- unspent
- urgent repair program (urp)
- utility bill
- vacancy
- vacant
- vacant land
- valley economics
- valley glen
- valley village
- values
- van nuys
- vba
- vendor
- vision zero
- visitor
- voting
- wait time
- walk to school
- waste
- water capture
- water efficiency
- water supply
- water usage
- water use
- watercourse permit
- weather normalized
- website
- west hills
- west toluca lake
- winnetka
- withdrawal of funds
- woodland hills
- workshops
- worksource centers
- youthsource centers
- ytd
- zoo
- 2014
- 2016
- ab 953
- air quality
- apc
- area planning commission
- arts
- availability
- baseball/softball fields
- basketball courts
- beaches
- beacon
- berth
- bids
- bikes
- broken pipe
- bsl
- bss
- bureau of sanitation
- businesssource
- businesssource centers
- calendar
- campaign finance
- camps
- cargo
- cart
- case
- certificate
- certificate of occupancy
- citizenship
- city planning
- city profile
- code enforcement
- cofo number
- community
- community plan area
- coronavirus
- council district 3
- covid19
- cpa
- demographic
- departments
- directory
- disctricts
- dockless
- dockless mobility
- dog parks
- economic development
- energy efficiency
- equality
- equestrian centers
- equity
- facility
- family services
- finance
- financial statement
- fire hazard
- fire stations
- freight
- fund
- gardens
- golf courses
- grocery
- hacla
- health
- hhh
- hiking trails
- historic tonage
- homebuyer
- housing authority for the city of los angeles
- hpoz
- immigration
- income
- industrial
- la county
- lacers
- ladcp
- ladot
- lahd affordable housing
- lakes
- livable
- local solar
- local water
- locations
- managed pipeline
- market
- mds
- membership
- micromobility
- monthly expenditures
- neighborhood council
- neighborhood empowerment
- opeb
- open data
- open space
- outdoor fitness equipment
- overnight parking
- pension
- people
- performance
- pilot
- policy
- portfolio
- public computer centers
- public facility
- public housing
- qualitative
- rc
- rebate
- recreation and parks
- recreation centers
- renewable
- renewables
- rent control
- rental facilities
- reports
- residential
- restaurant
- retirees
- retirement
- rfp
- rfq
- ripa
- risk management
- rso
- school
- scooter
- senior centers
- shapefile
- shared mobility
- site traffic
- sites
- skate parks
- sls
- small cell
- small lot
- small lot subdivision
- street lighting
- survey
- swimming pools
- tennis courts
- terminal
- teu
- theatre
- tier 1
- tier 2
- tier 3
- tonnage
- tourism
- traffic counts
- uaal
- universally accessible playgrounds
- vaccination
- wage gap
- water leaks
- what's happening
- address
- addresses
- asset
- boundaries
- carrier
- community development
- conservation
- csr
- csr number
- culture
- customer service request
- data
- dataset of datasets
- datasets
- day labor
- evacuation
- events
- fire
- fire station
- fiscal year
- foreclosed
- general plan
- geographic information
- harbor
- house number
- indicators
- inlets
- inspection result
- inspection type
- lasan
- map
- museums
- operating indicators
- parking meter
- passenger
- pedestrian
- performance units
- permit status
- pipes
- police station
- recreation
- restaurants
- san pedro
- sanitation
- services
- storm drain
- storm drain inlets
- storm pipes
- streets
- sustainability
- the valley economic alliance
- tsunami
- vaccines
- wilmington
- women
- worksource
- zip code
- aim
- airport
- assets
- billboard
- citation
- cnap
- customer service
- department of recreation and parks
- dot
- education
- emergency preparedness
- energy
- event
- express park
- financial management
- financial reporting
- flight
- gender
- jsi
- jti
- land use
- lobby
- lobbying
- lobbyist
- metrics
- neighborhood
- pace
- pafr
- population
- registered
- route
- signs
- street
- street name
- veip
- youthsource
- business
- cases completed
- cofo
- covid
- crime data
- crimes
- demographics
- economy
- emergency management
- employees
- gis
- lax
- meter
- park
- pola
- streetlight
- violation
- zoning
- controller
- covid-19
- crime
- inspection
- lafd
- stop
- stop data
- stops
- traffic
- traffic collision
- transportation
- water and power
- affordable housing
- case number
- dash routes
- dash stops
- foreclosures
- ladot dash
- lahd
- lighthouse
- museum
- myla311
- parks
- public arts
- restroom
- special interest
- traffic data
- unemployment
- disclosure
- ethics
- hcidla
- building permits
- hud
- statistics
- business source
- foreclosure
- stormwater
- economics
- account
- appropriation
- appropriations
- arrest
- arrest data
- arrests
- businesses
- dwp
- expenditure
- parking
- permit parking
- preferential parking
- residential parking
- outcomes
- port
- cases filed
- jobs
- library
- los angeles
- program performance
- overtime
- healthcare
- personnel
- bonuses
- development
- entitlement
- environmental
- payroll
- pothole
- sidewalk
- tree
- la active business by council district
- la active businesses
- list of la active business by council district
- list of la active businesses
- 911
- calls
- cfs
- 3-1-1
- animal
- budget
- bulky
- call
- center
- graffiti
- requests
- revenues
- a cool dataset
- a cool nerd
- ewdd
- pickup
- planning
- service
- trash
- 311
- housing
- safe city
- water
- general fund
- cafr statistical section
- activity type
- asset type
- asset type group
- city of la
- city of la controller
- city of los angeles controller
- net position