Tracking the Pandemic Recovery in Los Angeles

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated underlying inequalities in our society. In order to ensure a just and equitable recovery, we will need to keep an eye on key metrics related to the health and safety of our region. To that end, the Data Team has built a dashboard to track the health of our communities and how they’re faring across four categories which we believe to be central to the recovery: COVID, Crime, Economy, and Homelessness.
A reduction in COVID cases is necessary for the recovery of Los Angeles. We will continue to monitor the spread of COVID through daily case counts, as well as case rates.
Crime and public safety are of top concern with regard to the recovery as well. This dashboard will track Compstat reports from LAPD, zeroing in on statistics like total violent crime, property crime, and arrests. The dashboard will also track domestic violence calls for service. 
Another important element of the recovery is tracking housing and homelessness. To that end, we will track affordable housing production, new HHH units, new building permits for housing, and homeless counts. It’s worth noting that, due to the pandemic, the 2021 homeless count was a partial count that only includes those in shelter settings. 
Finally, the pandemic’s impact on employment and the labor market continues. This dashboard will track LA’s unemployment rate overall and by neighborhood, as well as net businesses and women and minority-owned businesses (that are registered with the City).
We encourage you to follow along as we update the dashboard weekly! If there are metrics that you think should be included, please share your feedback on how we can improve the dashboard.

(Note: The dashboard below is desktop-only)